GameJam struggle update

This was my first time building a game during a gamejam, albeit not very successfully but at least its something. Only has 1 playable level and the game mechanic is pretty straightforward after taking a regular FPS template and hack it up.

Learnt a few things during this game jam. Like how difficult it is to share large files via Unity and that there’s not really a way to unit test each feature before it can get merged (I could be wrong) in Github/Git. And that a 2-person team may not be enough to build the game as we still need 1 or 2 others to handle sound design and level design.

My role is the Game programmer. Matyn is the 3D designer. But both of us has to try and take up the other role where possible. Kinda tricky.

Had fun and wouldn’t mind moving forward with this game (maybe feature complete).

Files Play in browser
Jun 17, 2023

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