Clean Start Screen, Horrible Fish Spawn Ending

Game is looking better now that it has a start screen. And has a proper app icon, which is also nice. And just as nice as when I am able to provide it in the Play Store. Now it looks ✨clean✨

However, the LevelGenerator.cs script that I got doesn’t really spawn the fishes after level 4. I mean, once this core mechanic works properly, I should be able to add new features on top of it.

On another note, publishing on the Play Store adds this complexity of waiting for review checks. I’ve also learnt that on the next iteration, I have to change the “Bundle Version Code” in the “Other Settings” when I build a new app release.

We’ll see if I can get this fixed in the next iteration. Other than that bug, please, feel free to comment with feedbacks on the current release.

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